Browse through the menus to access the search for products, collections, photos, estimates and profiles.
Select the products and sort out their characteristics and details to include them in an estimate.
Contribute to the App improvement by sending photos of your products to Florense to enrich the library of images.
Check your estimates under the “$” icon and share them with any other App.
See the notifications, terms of use or exit the App using the “Profile” menu.
Select the products searching by the magnifying glass, QR Code or browse the product menus to start a new estimate.
Choose the products and components finishes. It is possible to see the images of the products in the photo gallery.
Add one or more products to get the quick estimate.
Click the item description on “Estimate” to see the product details. You can also delete or change the quantity for each item.
Add new products or clear the estimate in lower icons.
Share your estimate using the “Share” button in the upper right corner.
Using the “Camera” icon, capture photos of the products and send them to Florense.
You can also send photos from your image gallery.
After being sent, the photos of your products will be examined by Florense and then they will be made available in the App.